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Support from Innosuisse Swiss Accelerator to accelerate the development of regenerative biomaterials

VOLUMINA MEDICAL, a spin-off from theSwiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)specialized in developing innovative biomaterials today announced that it has been selected out of 752 applications by Innosuisse to receive the support of the Swiss Accelerator program through a Grant of CHF 2.5 million. 53 companies were selected to benefit of this support after a three steps evaluation process. The aim ofVolumina Medical’s project is to develop a novel regenerative implant for soft tissues and to perform an upscale of the production capacity to reach semi-industrial scale in Switzerland. This support will significantly accelerate the growth of the highly innovative Swiss company.

Innosuisse launched a call for projects for the Swiss Accelerator in 2022 as a transitional measure for Horizon Europe. As Switzerland is not currently associated with the EU’s Horizon Europe framework programme, Swiss companies do not have access to the funding programme EIC Accelerator of the European Innovation Council. Swiss SMEs and start-ups were therefore able to apply for direct financial support for innovation projects with significant innovation potential within the scope of the Swiss Accelerator as transitional measure. The total funding granted amounts to 112 million Swiss Francs. Amélie Béduer, CEO of Volumina Medical said: “We are very happy and proud to have been awarded the Swiss Accelerator grant after several steps of selection by a jury of top experts. This is a solid proof that our innovation and our business case have great potential to be a game changer in plastic and reconstructive medicine. With thissupport, we are in an excellent position to strengthen the team and accelerateour development.We are very grateful to the Swiss authorities to have developed the Swiss Accelerator program and we thank Innosuisse for their impactful support”

About Volumina Medical

Spin-off from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Volumina Medical is developing highly innovative biomaterials for regenerative medicine. Their solutions address high unmet needs for the markets of reconstructive and plastic surgery. Volumina Medical has been working for a number of years on the development of a platform of novel injectable biomaterials to support soft tissue repair.The lead product from this work is AdipearlTMwhich has gone through extensive pre-clinical studies and is now being tested in patients.


Volumina Medical SA
Biopôle - Alanine | Route de la Corniche 5
1066 Epalinges | Switzerland

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